...and more sleep!
I have been living in my car....at least it seems so these hot summer days. Pajama girl has been at a reading enrichment camp this week with her way too soon to be 1st grade teacher. I have only had a few interactions with her and love her. She has such an energy about her, and the kids are enamored by her sense of humor and creative ways.
Yesterday was the last day of this program and at the end of the session all the children came outside to release some dreams.
They had red balloons with notes tied to them that read...
There was a space below to color a picture and a request to let the school know how far the balloon made it. I thought that was brilliant...and they have had a few people write back to let them know where they found their dream balloon.
Should you be lucky enough to find a dream balloon, remember it would not have been possible without the thought from another human being.
If i had a chance to dream last night it there would have been a picture of a very happy comfortable little girl under my pillow. My baby has an ear-ache, the kind that prevented her from sleeping...and me. Even if she dozed off a bit next to me, i still found it hard to sleep knowing she would be up again in minutes. She is resting now and soon we will be at the doctor's...and dream to escape on the boat when done...I plan on dreaming the rest of the day on the lake. It is a beautiful Adirondack morning here and the mist is lifting. If I had the energy I would take a picture of the sunlight streaming through the mist and hitting the small farm table in the kitchen just perfectly.
Speaking of the kitchen table, thank you to Carrie of Apartment Therapy ohdeedoh for sharing our fun bird house window treatment there.
Here is a red balloon for a day of dreams coming true to all of you!