.....too answer one of Pajama girl's questions, "YES, wishes do come true!" (and I can now hear her ask it again) My wish was for this loud and stinky sweet little Beagle's human to find him before the weekend was done. Early this afternoon, after he took me for a walk, his human pulled in. Yesterday Mr. Honey and PJgirl made a sign "FOUND BEAGLE" and put it roadside at our house. I paraded him back and forth then took him for a long walk. I just finished a photo session with him to make a sign to take to the gas station and a car pulled in. The owner's friend saw me walking "Sisco" near the sign and went right over to tell his friend who lived nearby. He had got away during a thunderstorm that left our area without power on Friday night. A funny little chap and just like Snoopy...he did not want "in" the crate he wanted to be on top of it. I guess if I were a little dog I would want to climb up high too.
Lots of projects coming up and more interesting PJ questions to continue. I forgot the good one today that gave me a brain cramp and memory loss evidently but it led me to tell her Sunday is a day off from questions but yesterday Daddy got "what makes you, you?" and tonight I got "For how long was I zero when I was born? "and " how did I get out of you?"
ahhhhhhh, time to got to bed in a nice and quiet house with only 3 dogs and no Beagles!