Well this post would probably bee short if it were not for Nancy Lefko at My Collage Art . She has spotted some great bee art this week. I was probably most excited about the Etsy Treasury she spotted. I could not find a direct link to it and sorry I missed seeing it on the home page, but just take a look. I could just stop this post and bee done after all this great art!
I am not going to stop beecause Nancy did not stop either. She also spotted some adorable art from the talented Krisztina Maros at Sketchpause. She spotted this Illustration Friday entry for "Late". Well if this bee is from around here, he really is late. Yesterday morning's temp checked in at 22 degrees F.
While visiting this eye candy illustration blog, I spotted this next one as well. Another IF entry for "Sugary". Which reminds me, bees #1 enemy is the bear so never wear black or brown around your bees. But this is a sweet, sugary honey of a bear.
If you want some funky fun jewelry statement, Nancy also found this cuff bracelet from Pink Flamingo 61 . I have shown her off beefore and always a treat to see this creative "found art" jewelry of hers.
Leah from Creative Every Day has sent me some fun links this week as well. The necklace below is just so amazing. It is from Clockwork Zero on her Steampunk Jewelry blog. She also has an Etsy Store and a great Flickr photostream of her work. This one is already sold, someone is very lucky!
There is a form of art I someday hope to bee able to sit down and have a go at. Digital art is something so limitless. Once you have the skills, imagination can take you away to the surreal world. Much like the world of Maggie Taylor. Leah sent me a link to this one below, but I needed to take some time and lose myself in her art for a while.
Many may find some art, especially surreal digital art a bit disturbing, a lot of art is. Art is a form of communication and unless you know the story behind it, as anything in life, don't judge it. It could mean something completely different, get a translator and learn the language, or just stop looking. I have always loved Salvador Dali, even as a kid. Trust me, I can take a picture of my Dali book shelf, the one that bows in the middle from the weight of all the books about him. I am amazed at this great master's creativity and wish he could come back and play with some digital art!
Even Dali was once inspired by a bee in his One Second Before Awakening from a Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate, 1944 I found here. I will not post a picture in case someone does find it disturbing, to me he put the "aaaaaah" in art, and painted it at that.
So let the bees inspire you as we continue to inspire each other! Thank you everyone!