Wow, 10 months more or less of blog land and have never been tagged. Valiane from Silent Dreamer has tagged me to share 6 random facts about myself. I do random quite well these days so this should be easy...or will it?
- When I was young, I was told I was allergic to bees. As an adult I chose not to accept that and nothing happened the 2 times I have been stung as an adult.
- Since I am mentioning my youth, I had some weird kidney thing as a child and according to statistics I should have been in complete renal failure by the time I hit 20-25 years old. No one ever told me until one day in my late 20's a doctor from Buffalo children's hospital who had me on some study wanted to know, how my blood pressure was, and who my renal specialist and cardiologist were. Huh? I said. I am in perfect health, which he found such delight in the hope of a positive outcome as the majority were not good outcomes. The key "No one ever told me", I did not live my life planning for kidney failure. At 41, I am in perfect health and blood pressure is only 98/60!
- Every report card I ever had said "she does not work up to her full potential" My comment there would have been: "Yeah, but I was having fun!"
- In my 20's I was a head-banging groupie with hair to my waist. I met all of Skid Row, Guns and Roses(pictures to prove it too), Alice Cooper, Danger Danger, Hurricane, and if I were to look back in that box of back stage and VIP room passes I would probably remember more I have actually forgot about.
- I don't want to know which candidate anyone is voting offense to anyone. I will just skip past that post and continue reading the others. I just like balance, not competition, nor persuasions and can not wait until this election is over and any political comments left here will be handled by my husband who has actually followed politics all his life, not just the past few months. I will have him handle the comments....and trust me, you don't want that...the man is brilliant and will set your head spinning.
- Hmm, the last one should be profound right? Nah, why start working up to my full potential now, this is fun. Hmmm, ok, I have 2 close friends who have sisters with triplets!
Ok in no particular order I will tag some people I would like to know more about and if you have been tagged and I may have missed your post please link me up.
Rowena, Suzan Buckner, Maya, m.heart, Suki, Jen D
Tag rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write 6 random things about yourself. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted