Here are a few more custom Scrabble tile necklace requests I made a while back. I never want to post gifts too early since I would never want to spoil a surprise for anyone.
The first one the only request was it had "Nan" on it for a women enamored with her grandchildren and their name for her.
This next one is for a wonderful teacher who was honored with "teacher of the year" last year. I felt she must be really exceptional as there are so many amazing teachers out there. I could not give this teacher an apple, she deserved a pear. Something unique to symbolize who she is.
My last request in this group was for a visitor from Australia and the giver wanted her to have a souvenir from her visit which would be special as she is. I do not have the request right in front of me but I believe the women was a guest speaker/teacher to a sewing group.
A few more tidbits before I finish up here.
Happy Birthday to Olivia who is 21 today! Please feel free to go to "ahh to be 21" and read the beautiful comment her "Daddy" posted for her today and leave any wishes you may want to give. Her daddy will send her the link today once she has gift in hand!
I am also going to post an update on the fun stationary swap Pajama Girl did in a few minutes as well, a very rewarding experience. One we will never forget.
Cheers to the Team inTraining running in the Adirondack Half Marathon today. This is a wonderful way to show your support and what you can endure physically, emotionally and raise money for a good cause at the same time. Their effort is to help raise money to cure blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. S & D,I beelieve in you!