mixed media monday-pens & pencils
Whew, is it hot in here or is it just me? the goddess asks.
Did you ever really wonder who created one of the most popular statues, Venus de Milo?
Move forward a few hundred years and discover the truth. Venus has re-invented herself. To really get the total effect you might want to go left to my playlist and find "Glory Box" by Portishead or "Venus" by Bananarama. (they are both near the bottom, click any song then scroll down to find it baby).
This all just happened while searching for pencils to create this week's theme with. I found a treasured box my grandpa gave me decades ago. Box obsessed, I saved it and used the pencils sparingly. Venus needed to be free to create herself, so I let her.
I scanned and printed the box image on canvas meant for the printer. This will not get boring, trust me.
Next I used this great picture of me my husband took as he was nagging me to put my pencil down!
It is actually an image from Artchix that I used. The pencil is from the box, I scanned, cropped, pasted. The two collided like pieces of a puzzle. Next it took shape on an old, odd spool? I had been saving for a special project.
Then I did break one of the old pencils, actually I bit it in half. Do I still have your attention? Good...it gets better.
The flowers and embellishments are all from shavings of this pencil. As I was gently lying them where I wanted, there was this sudden, delicious aroma of cedar. The wood...dark, the scent... unforgettable. Now go mis-bee-have* for a while. Quit reading. Bee the goddess you are or grab the goddess you are with.
*Bee-have is a word that I am using today in honor of Leah @ Creative Every Day