These 3 little Scrabble tile necklaces were created as gifts for a friend to give as teacher appreciation gifts. They will go to Pre-K teachers as a small token of gratitude for all they do to start such young children out on their education journey. The colors are of course much more vibrant than my computer scanning skills. Words I chose are meant for those around, including the children to ask what it means and what it may mean to them.
"Wish and see" - What child or adult does not have wishes? large or small if we believe in it, our wishes will come true. The person who wears this will do so knowing she is inspiring to minds young and old.
"Listen with care"- The message the wearer of this is sending is that listening is the foundation of all learning. To teach young and old to listen, pay attention, and even when there are no sounds at all there may be a message coming to them.
"Follow my Leader" - Based on "follow the leader", a simple child's game. There is a heart on this one, and the wearer does what she does because she lets her heart lead her. I hope she inspires others to do the same, especially when shaping the minds of our children.
All of these are brought to you today by the letter "A", and intentionally created on the letter "A". I have done so because if we were to grade the teachers of minds this young, the 3 they are intended for would get straight A's